Thursday, October 31, 2019

Sustainability of Seafood Farms Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Sustainability of Seafood Farms - Essay Example Today’s global economy has increasingly placed an emphasis on sustainability measures both as a means of improving the social environment and as a path towards cutting-edge innovative design. While sustainability has emerged in nearly all aspects of modern innovation, one of its prominent areas of influence is in the triple bottom line of fish farming. Triple bottom line has influenced sustainability through concerns with people, planets, and profits ecosystem ("Common terminology," 2009). In fish farming this approach has prominently been implemented through catching methods that do not harm the specific species long-term ability to reproduce or operate in a functional ecosystem ("Common terminology," 2009). Within this context of understanding there have emerged a plethora of methods wherein triple bottom-line approaches to sustainability has had strong impact on seafood farms. There are a number of concerns when investigating the sustainability approaches to fish farming. Among the most prominent overarching concerns are the notions of production, distribution, and consumption. Production refers to the amount of fish that can be acquired or ‘produced’ within a farming area during a specified period of time; this notion is important, as farmers must increasingly take sustainability measures into consideration or face continually diminishing production.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Summary of Professional Ethics Module Essay Example for Free

Summary of Professional Ethics Module Essay Ethics is a branch of philosophy that studies the difference between right and wrong. As professional accountants, you will have many opportunities to choose between right and wrong. And as you have seen in the business press, making the wrong choice can lead to serious consequences including corporate failure, loss of reputation, fines, and even jail sentences. The objective of this unit is to introduce you to different branches of ethics, in order to help you understand that people approach the topic with different points of view. You will learn about different ways of thinking through an ethical question. This will help you identify the way that you make decisions so that you can recognise your own personal ethics in any professional ethical problem that you may be faced with. In this way, you can mitigate any detrimental impact of your own personal ethics, with a view to a more objective approach. Perspectives on ethics In very broad terms, there are three ways of looking at ethics that have developed over time: rules conformance, good intentions, and competence. One way of thinking about ethics is in terms of conformity to rules. From this perspective, ethics is understood as a list of things to do and to not do. Sometimes the list gets very long and complicated and needs to be interpreted by a whole institution of people. The ethical person, from this perspective, is the one who conforms to the rules. A second way of thinking about ethics is in terms of good intentions. From this perspective, a behaviour is considered ethical if it is based on good intentions. Good behaviour then follows from good thinking. The third perspective thinks of ethics in terms of competence. From this perspective, the ethical person is one who can make decisions based on principles and then act on them. This perspective is thought of as looking at competence, because ethics is thought of in terms of an ability rather than an attitude our duty to others One way to think about ethics is to acknowledge that there are things that someone just does not do, as part of a duty to others. A limitation of this principle is that you have to decide what those things are that someone should not do. At least one philosopher (Immanuel Kant) has defined those duties by saying ‘act according to principles that everyone could follow. ’ For example, if you disobey traffic lights, you should consider what would happen if everyone did so. The point is that we should recognise everyone as equals, and not assume that the rules are any different for ourselves than they are for other people. As an accounting example, a professional accountant would not deliberately issue false or inaccurate financial statements. If everyone did so, no statements could be trusted and as a consequence not only would the profession be brought into disrepute, but all financial statements would have no value to their users. Ultimately the need for accountants and for financial reports would be called into question. Consequences Another way of thinking about ethics is based on thinking about the consequences to different people. Briefly, consequentialism encourages you to make decisions based on the consequences — both positive and negative — for those involved. This category of thinking is the branch of ethics known as utilitarianism. This states that an action is right if it leads to the most good outcomes and the least bad outcomes for the greatest number of people. One limitation of thinking about ethics in terms of consequences is that you have to agree on what sorts of consequences matter: for example, should you be trying to promote pleasure and avoid causing pain, or should you instead focus on promoting people’s actual well-being, regardless of whether doing so makes them happy? A modern application of this point of view is the cost-benefit analysis, which involves assigning monetary values to the costs and benefits of an action and seeing how they add up. This practice is often used in evaluating new projects. As an accounting example, an accountant thinking in terms of consequences would prepare ‘true and fair’ financial statements because doing so would bring the most benefit to the greatest number of people. In other words, stakeholders inside and outside the organisation would be able to make more informed decisions as a result. Virtue theory  In virtue theory, the emphasis is on deciding what sort of person one should try to be, and to define the virtues such a person would embody. You decide what makes a good person, instead of what makes a good action, and act accordingly. One limitation of this way of thinking is that what constitutes a virtue must be agreed upon, and it can vary by culture and over time. For example, the qualities of good financial reports were once considered to be completeness, historical accuracy, reliability and strict adherence to the legal form in disclosing business transactions. More recently, the qualities of good financial reports have come to be relevance for decision-making, reference to a wider conceptual framework, and presenting the economic substance of business transactions. As an accounting example of the use of virtue theory, in deciding whether to agree to a client’s request to use a questionable method for valuing inventory, an accountant would ask, ‘What would a conscientious accountant do in such a situation? What would one of my respected mentors do? ’ Social contract theory  The social contract theory of ethics advises you to think about ethics as embodying a set of rules agreed upon by reasonable people to bring order to social living. So when making an ethical decision you ask yourself, ‘What rule would reasonable, unbiased people agree to? ’ You then follow such rules, regardless of whether they benefit you in particular situations. One criticism of this theory points out that the agreement referred to by social contract theory is entirely imaginary. Why consider yourself bound by an agreement that never happened? An accounting example of social contract thinking might be seen in a situation where an accountant has to decide between loyalty to a client and candid assessment of financial statements. Both of those options involve important social values. Thinking in social contract terms, the accountant might ask, ‘What sort of rule for balancing these values would unbiased people agree to? ’ Confucian ethics Confucian ethics seeks to provide harmonious relationships within society, the family, and the individual. Looking within yourself and learning from experienced people are seen as the main roads to wisdom and self-harmony. The emphasis on experience leads to respect and reverence for the past, the aged, and for one’s ancestors. One of the criticisms of this model is that in a society where relationships are considered more important than the laws themselves, corruption and nepotism may be tolerated. As an accounting example, in deciding whether to agree to a client’s request to use a questionable method for valuing inventory, an accountant thinking in Confucian terms might consider agreeing to it because doing so would cause harmony with the client. Rules of thumb In addition to scholarly branches of philosophy, some other ways of looking at right and wrong have developed. The golden rule The classic golden rule is to ‘do unto others as you would have them do unto you. ’ In other words, ‘I will not cheat that person because I do not want them to cheat me. ’ The golden rule is a simple and useful tool, but it does have some limitations. We don’t really know how babies or animals want to be treated, for example, so the golden rule can’t tell us much about how to treat them. Also, the whole rule is based on your own feelings of how you yourself would want to be treated. But your own needs and preferences might not be typical. For example, the fact that you personally do not value privacy does not mean that you don’t owe others an obligation to respect their privacy. As an accounting example, this rule of thumb could be applied to mean that you disclose all information that may be relevant in financial reports because, if you were the reader of those financial statements, you would expect to receive all the information, and disregard any that is not relevant to you. Mirror Test Another rule of thumb is the mirror test. This is a quick way to evaluate a decision that you are about to make, and reinforces the notion that you are responsible for your own actions. Imagine you’re looking in a mirror and ask yourself: Is it legal? If it is not legal, dont do it. What will others think? Others meaning a friend, a parent, a spouse, a child, a manager, the media, or someone else whose opinion is particularly important to you. As an accounting example, in deciding whether to agree to a client’s request to use a questionable method for valuing inventory, an accountant thinking in terms of this rule of thumb would consider how a story about this action would look on the front page of the local newspaper. Justice and care based approach What this quiz actually does is help you identify whether you lean towards a justice and rule-based approach or whether you lean towards a care-based approach. The justice and rules-based approach says that the rules should be applied equally to everyone and that justice and fairness are most important. Some researchers have suggested that this is a more masculine approach to the world. The care-based approach says that care, rather than justice, is most important and that we should act responsibly to people in need. Some researchers have suggested that this is a more feminine approach to the world. You can see why this research is controversial, and why you may disagree with the results. However it is interesting to consider whether gender could influence ethical positions. It may also help you when discussing issues with colleagues from other countries. Generally, in North American and European groups, men have been found to have, on average, higher ‘justice’ scores and women have been found to have, on average, higher ‘care’ scores. The significance of these statistical findings is a topic of ongoing debate among scholars. It is important to know how you approach an ethical question, and to recognise that other people may approach it a different way, irrespective of gender.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Marine Pollution Causes Effects And Control Environmental Sciences Essay

Marine Pollution Causes Effects And Control Environmental Sciences Essay The phrase heavy metals is used here as a general name for metals with densities in excess of 5 g/cm3. About 15 species are of practical concern. Heavy metals may be applied to soils deliberately to correct nutrient deficiencies or to kill pests. Very small amounts are needed to correct deficiencies, and these do not cause pollution. Repeated applications of inorganic pesticides containing heavy metals (for example, in sprays applied to fruit trees) may add amounts to soils large enough to be harmful. In contrast to organic pesticides, heavy metals do not disappear through decomposition but remain in soil indefinitely. Additional sources of soil contamination by heavy metals are industrial and traffic exhausts, flooding of land by contaminated waters, sewage sludge applied to land, and disposal of other refuse. Heavy metals participate in several kinds of reactions in soils, and these affect their concentrations and solubility. The metal ions tend to be bonded to soil constituents through cation exchange; this may amount to substantial quantities even though concentrations in the soil solution are usually low. Some soil constituents seem to have specific affinities for heavy metal ions, resulting in their preferential adsorption over more abundant cations. The concentrations of heavy metals in the soil solution are also affected by equilibria with hydroxyl, carbonate, and phosphate ions. Precipitation of heavy metals by these anions can limit concentrations even though fairly large amounts are added to soil. On the other hand, some heavy metal ions are strongly chelated by organic substances of low molecular weight, thereby altering their adsorption behavior and permitting rather high concentrations in the soil solution. The actual concentration in a soil is thus a function of reactions of heavy metals with a variety of soil constituents. Cadmium is considered as one of the most hazardous of the heavy metals because of its presumed effect on the development of vascular disease. Amounts of cadmium in soils are normally below 1 ppm, but values as high as 1700 ppm have been reported for surface samples collected near zinc-ore smelters. Cadmium is usually associated with zinc in nature, and the geochemical relationship between the two leads to their common occurrence with Zn/Cd ratios near 900. Cadmium is easily taken up by most plants. Some are quite sensitive to excess cadmium, and others are not. (ii) Chromium (Cr) This metal is a major component of the wastes of the plating industry. Cr is toxic for plant growth only at high concentrations. Chromium mobility within plants is extremely low. Soil pollution by chromium is seldom a problem because it is taken up by plants as chromate, a form that hardly occurs at prevailing pH values and redox potentials. (iii) Cobalt (Co) This can be highly toxic to plants. Most plant species cannot tolerate concentrations of cobalt exceeding 0.1 ppm. Usually cobalt contents of soil do not exceed 10 ppm. Preferential cobalt adsorption on soil constituents and fixation in clay mineral lattices might add to the problem. (iv) Copper (Cu) Copper is toxic to most plants at concentrations exceeding 0.1 ppm. Its concentration in drinking water for human consumption is considered safe when not exceeding 1.0 ppm. Concentrations above 20 ppm in feed and forage are toxic to sheep. Normal copper contents of soils are around 20 ppm. Mobility and displacement of copper in soils are low because of its strong bonding with organic matter and clay minerals. (v) Lead (Pb) This may accumulate in soils along roads from traffic exhausts and in the vicinities of lead-zinc smelters. Roadside concentrations as high as 2400 ppm have been reported. While (excessive) intake of lead by humans and animals is considered a serious health hazard, the primary pathway of such intakes is probably via surface contamination of crops and grasses (eaten by grazing animals) rather than via plant uptake. The mobility of lead in soil and plants tends to be low though in some cases considerable uptake by plants has been observed. Normal lead levels in plants range from 0.5-3 ppm. With respect to plant growth, lead toxicity levels appear to differ considerably for different plant species. (vi) Mercury (Hg) Extensive mercury poisoning was first reported at Minamata, Japan, in 1953. As a result of the strong interactions between mercury compounds and soil constituents, displacement of mercury in forms other than vapor is usually very low. Methylation of mercury, possibly occurring in nature under restricted conditions, constitutes one of the most serious hazards related to this element, because in this form mercury will accumulate easily in food chains. Because of this hazard, the use of alkylmercury fungicides for seed dressings has been banned in many countries. (vii) Molybdenum (Mo) This element is best known for its deficiency in certain soils. Under normal conditions molybdenum predominates in anionic form (molybdate), subject to adsorption by iron oxides and hydroxides much like phosphate. While normal molybdenum content in plants is around 0.1 ppm, toxicity symptoms have been observed at levels above 200-300 ppm (dry matter). (viii) Nickel (Ni) This element tends to be highly toxic to plants. As it is easily taken up by plants when present in soils, care must be exercised in disposal of waste containing nickel. Total nickel contents in soils range from 5-500 ppm, with 100 ppm as a rough mean value. The concentration in the soil solution is usually around 0.005-0.05 ppm, and contents in healthy plants do not exceed 1 ppm (dry matter). (ix) Zinc (Zn) The use of this element in galvanized iron is widespread. Zinc commonly occurs in soils at levels of 10-300 ppm, with 30-50 ppm as a rough average range. Sewage sludges may have very high zinc contents, and the possible accumulation of zinc in soil after disposal of such wastes deserves attention. In plants, zinc will become toxic at levels exceeding about 400 ppm (dry matter), where it probably interferes with the uptake of other essential elements. In soil, zinc appears to be rather mobile. Wastes and soil pollution The large amount of waste produced every day in towns and cities and other human settlements end up in soil. The most common kinds of wastes can be classified into four types: agricultural, industrial, municipal, and nuclear (Table 5.13). Table 5.13. Wastes and Soil Pollution Sources Effects Agriculture (i) accumulation of animal manures (ii) excessive input of chemical fertilizers (iii) illicit dumping of tainted crops on land Mining and Quarrying (i) using of explosives to blow up mines (ii) using of machineries which emit toxic byproducts and leaks to the ground Sewage sludge Improper sanitation system causes sludge to leak at surrounding soil Household (i) improper waste disposal system causes waste accumulation (ii) improper sanitation system Dredged spoils Method of dredging at fertile land causes soil infertility, leaving the soil more prone to external pollution Demolition and construction Nonbiodegradable rubbles or debris which undergo chemical reactions and increase soil toxicity Industrial Poisonous/toxic gases which are not filtered or neutralized Control of Soil pollution The following general methods of controlling soil pollution are in use. Effluents should be properly treated before discharging them on to soil. Solid wastes should be properly collected and disposed of by appropriate method. From the wastes, recovery of useful products should be done. Microbial degradation of biodegradable substances reduces soil pollution. 5.5 Marine Pollution: Causes, Effects and Control The sea, which covers around 70 per cent of the earths surface, is home to millions of fish, crustaceans, mammals, microorganisms, and plants. It is a vital source of food for both animals and people. Thousands of birds rely on the sea for their daily food supplies. Fishermen throughout the world catch over 90 million tons of fish every year, and in many developing countries, fish is the principal source of protein.   People also depend on the sea for many of their medicines. Marine animals and plants contain many chemicals that can be used to cure human ailments: an estimated 500 sea species yield chemicals that could help treat cancer.   But the oceans now are in a very bad shape. People have treated the sea as a dumping ground for thousands of years, offloading rubbish, sewage, and more recently industrial waste. Marine pollution frequently originates on land, entering the sea via rivers and pipelines. This means that coastal waters are dirtier than the open seas, with estuaries and harbours being especially badly affected. Additional pollution is actually created at sea by activities such as dredging, drilling for oil and minerals, and shipping.   Marine Pollution   For close to thirty years, most academics studying the phenomena of marine pollution have adhered to a definition developed by a UN body, the Group of Experts on the Scientific Aspects of Marine Pollution (GESAMP), who define it as Introduction by man, directly or indirectly, of substances or energy into the marine environment (including estuaries) resulting in such deleterious effects as harm to living resources, hazard to human health, hindrance to marine activities including fishing, impairment of quality for use of sea-water, and reduction of amenities.   The definition has two important aspects:   First, it is action oriented. Marine pollution results from human activity. Thus, earthquakes or volcanic eruptions in the ocean floor and subsequent damage or change to the ocean ecosystems is not considered as pollution.   Second, the definition is amenable to measurement. Marine pollution is harmful, and its danger can be identified in a variety of ways. For example, it is easy to see the deleterious effects that oil spills have on the sea birds and mammals that happen to run into them. Scientists likewise can readily identify various toxic substances found in the marine environment, measure their quantities, and provide estimates of their potential danger for the health of both marine life and humans.   The important sources of marine pollution are shown in Fig. 5.4. Toxics Toxic waste is the most harmful form of pollution to marine creatures.   Once a form of toxic waste affects an organism, it can be quickly passed along the food chain and might eventually end up in seafood, causing various problems. Toxic wastes arrive from the leakage of landfills, dumps, mines and farms.   Sewage and industrial wastes introduce chemical pollutants like DDT. Farm chemicals (insecticides and herbicides) along with heavy metals (e.g. mercury and zinc) can have disastrous effect on marine life.   Mercury the most dangerous toxic  element Top priority is usually given to control the pollutant that poses a threat to human health, the most serious being mercury.   Major sources of mercury include rivers, marine outfalls and direct dumping of chemical waste. Natural inputs like the weathering of mercury-bearing rocks, volcanic gases also contribute to mercury in the ocean.   Dissolved mercury in the sea is adsorbed onto particulate matter and also forms stable complexes with organic compounds occurring in the sea. Inorganic mercury can be easily accumulated by living organisms. Fig. 5.4. Sources of marine pollution. A classic example of mercury poisoning happened in Minamata, a small Japanese coastal town dependent on fishing for a livelihood. In 1952, a nearby factory producing vinyl chloride and acetaldehyde using mercuric sulphate as a catalyst dumped its wastes in Minamata bay. Typically 300-1000 g of mercury is lost for each ton of acetaldehyde produced, 5% of which is in the form of methyl mercury. Mercuric chloride when used as a catalyst produces 1 g of methyl mercury per ton of product. Accumulated contamination was as high as 200 ppm mercury at the factory outfall.   The effects began with the death of a large number of fish in the early 1950s. This affected birds, cats, pigs, and humans.  Birds lost coordination to fly.   Cats were seen running in circles and foaming at the mouth.   Local residents called these occurrences the disease of the dancing cats.   Later, the disease was termed Minamata Disease when humans began to have symptoms of methyl mercury poisoning.   Other Toxic Materials   Toxic materials are substances derived from industrial, agricultural, household cleaning, gardening and automotive products. They do not always kill wildlife, but they can threaten inland and coastal waters. Examples of toxic materials include:   Dioxins come from bleaching paper, incineration of solid wastes containing PVC and other materials, and the process of making herbicides. Dioxins and related compounds degrade slowly and are toxic to marine life. They cause genetic chromosomal aberrations in marine life and are suspected of causing cancer in humans.   PCBs are used in the making electrical equipments and hydraulic fluids. Developmental problems in children and reproductive problems in some other animals have been linked to PCBs. Slowly degrading PCBs accumulate as they pass along the ocean food web. PAHs come from oil spills, road runoff, and burning wood and coal.   Marine life and people suffer ill effects from PAHs. PAHs cause genetic and chromosomal problems in fish and most marine organisms.   Sewage and fertilizers   The discharge of sewage can cause public health problems either from contact with polluted waters or from consumption of contaminated fish or shellfish.   The discharge of untreated sewage effluents also produces long-term adverse impacts on the ecology of critical coastal ecosystems in localized areas due to the contribution of nutrients and other pollutants. Pollution due to inadequate sewage disposal causes nutrient enrichment around population centers, and high nutrient levels and even eutrophication near treatment facilities and sewage outfalls.   Around the world, untreated sewage flows into coastal waters, carrying organic waste and nutrients that can lead to oxygen depletion, as well as disease-causing bacteria and parasites that require closing beaches and shellfish beds.  The inadequate number of sewage treatment plants in operation, combined with poor operating conditions of available treatment plants, and the disposal practices of discharging mostly untreated wastewater are likely to have an adverse effect on the ocean.   Oil   The sites most vulnerable for accidents are areas where tankers and barges move through restricted channels and in the vicinity of ports.   In spite of regulations established, tankers and barges do not always use port facilities for the disposal of bilge and tank washing and wastes, and a significant amount of oil, which exceeds that from accidental oil spills, is discharged into the coastal areas. The impact of oil pollution on the ecology of coastal and marine ecosystems is particularly destructive following massive oil spills caused by maritime accidents.   However, gas exchange between the water and the atmosphere is decreased by oil remaining on the surface of the water, with the possible result of oxygen depletion in enclosed bays where surface wave action is minimal. Coral death results from smothering when submerged oil directly adheres to coral surfaces and oil slicks affect sea birds and other marine animals. In addition, tar accumulation on beaches reduces tourism potential of coastal areas.   Mining and Dredging   Mining affects the marine ecosystem and the habitat. Mining can erode beaches, degrade water quality, and spoil coastal habitats. Mining coral to process for lime can remove the habitat of local marine species and weakens coastal storm defense. Mined or dredged areas take a very long time to recover. Because of this, strict regulations govern the dredging of the ocean floor   Synthetic Organic Chemicals   Many different synthetic organic chemicals enter the ocean and become incorporated into organisms. Ingestion of small amounts can cause illness or death.   Halogenated hydrocarbons are a class of synthetic hydrocarbon compounds that contain chlorine, bromine, or iodine are used in pesticides, flame retardants, industrial solvents, and cleaning fluids.   The level of synthetic organic chemicals in seawater is usually very low, but some organisms can concentrate these toxic substances in their flesh at higher levels in the food chain. That is an example of biological amplification.   Marine debris   More garbage such as plastic bags, rope, helium balloons, and stray fishing gear, build up in the oceans every year. Synthetic materials stay in the environment for years, killing or injuring ocean species, like whales and turtles, which mistake litter for food or get entangled in it. Ghost fishing by lost nets not only kills innocent ocean creatures but also reduces fishers catches.   Plastic is not biodegradable and therefore affects the oceans for long periods of time. Sea turtles mistake plastic bags for jellyfish and die from internal blockages. Seals and sea lions starve after being muzzled by six-pack rings or entangled by nets.   Effects of Marine Pollution on Living Marine Resources Tens of thousands of chemicals are used to meet societys technological and economic needs. Marine pollution is not only attributed to oil and chemical spills, but much of the debris and toxic substances affecting marine animals, in actual fact, originate on land. Pesticides, plastic bags, balloons, cigarette butts, motor oil, fishing line, find their way into local waterways either though direct dumping, through storm drains (whatever is left on streets, parking lots, can be washed into storm drains which lead directly to local waters), or through sanitary sewers, affecting living marine resources.   The time taken by a few common types of litter to biodegrade is given in Table 5.14. Two basic ways by which chemical contaminants can affect living marine resources are:   By directly affecting the exposed organisms own health and survival, and   By contaminating those resources that other species, including humans, may consume.   Researchers have been studying this dual impact of contaminants using a variety of marine organisms ranging from bottom-dwelling invertebrates and fish to species such as salmon and marine mammals. These biological effects include:   Diseases such as liver lesions in bottom fish, Decreased reproductive success in bottom fish, Impaired immune competence in anadromous fish, and   Growth impairment in invertebrates.   Marine pollution can have serious economic impact on coastal activities and on those who exploit the resources of the sea. In most cases such damage is caused primarily by the physical properties of these pollutants creating nuisance and hazardous conditions. Table 5.14. Degradation time of materials Materials Time to degrade Materials Time to degrade Tin cans 50 years Wool 1 year Painted wood 13 years Plastic rings 400+ years Newspaper 6 weeks Plastic bottles 450 years Paper towels 2 4 weeks Aluminium cans 200 years Disposable diapers 450 years Monofilament line 600 years Polystyrene foam Indefinite Cardboard 2 months Impact on coastal activities   Contamination of coastal amenity areas is a common feature of many spills leading to public disquiet and interference with recreational activities such as bathing, boating, angling and diving. Hotel and restaurant owners and others who gain their livelihood from the tourist trade can also be affected.   Oil and chemical spills can adversely affect industries that rely on a clean supply of seawater for their normal operations. If substantial quantities of floating or sub-surface pollutants are drawn through intakes, contamination of the condenser tubes may result, requiring a reduction in output or total shutdown. Simply, the effects of marine pollution are caused by either the physical nature of the pollutants themselves (physical contamination and smothering) or by their chemical components (toxic effects and accumulation leading to tainting). Marine life may also be affected by clean-up operations or indirectly through physical damage to the habitats in which plants and animals live. The main threat posed to living resources by the persistent residues of spilled oils and water-in-oil emulsions (mousse) is one of physical smothering. The animals and plants most at risk are those that could come into contact with a contaminated sea surface:   Marine mammals and reptiles. Birds that feed by diving or form flocks on the sea. Marine life on shorelines and Animals and plants in Mari culture facilities.   Subsequently the inability of individual marine organisms to reproduce, grow, feed or perform other functions can be caused by prolonged exposure to pollutants, if not eventual death. Sedentary animals in shallow waters such as oysters, mussels and clams that routinely filter large volumes of seawater to extract food are especially likely to accumulate oil components and harmful chemicals, poisoning consumers.   In addition to that, birds, whales and other marine creatures often mistake cigarette butts (which find their way into the waters) for food. The butts contain small plastic pieces that can interfere with the digestion of food, casing marine life to starve. Monofilament fishing line can be lethal to seals, sea lions, fish and other animals. Many marine species, including seals, herring, gulls, sharks, and shellfish have died or suffered injuries from plastic bags, nets and monofilament fishing lines.   Impacts on specific marine habitats The impact that marine pollution can have on selected marine habitats are given below. Within each habitat a wide range of environmental conditions prevail and often there is no clear division between one habitat and another.   In coastal areas some marine mammals and reptiles, such as turtles, may be particularly vulnerable to adverse effects from contamination because of their need to surface to breathe and to leave the water to breed.   The impact of oil on shorelines may be particularly great where large areas of rocks, sand and mud are uncovered at low tide.   The amenity value of beaches and rocky shores may require the use of rapid, effective clean-up techniques, which may not be compatible with the plants and animals.   In tropical regions, mangrove trees have complex breathing roots above the surface of the organically rich and oxygen-depleted mud in which they live. Oil may block the openings of the air breathing roots of mangroves or interfere with the trees salt balance, causing leaves to drop and the tress to die. Fresh oil entering nearby animal burrows can damage the root systems and the effect may persist for some time inhibiting decolonization by mangrove seedlings.   Living corals grow on the calcified remains of dead coral colonies that form overhangs, crevices and other irregularities inhabited by a rich variety of fish and other animals. If the living coral is destroyed the reef itself may be subject to wave erosion.   Birds which congregate in large numbers on the sea or shorelines to breed, feed or molt are particularly vulnerable to oil pollution. Although oil ingested by birds during preening may be lethal, the most common cause of death is from drowning, starvation and loss of body heat when their body surfaces are coated with oil.   Impact on fisheries and Mariculture   The pollutants in the waters, especially in the case of oil spills can also damage boats and gears used for catching or cultivating marine species. Floating equipment and fixed traps extending above the sea surface are more likely to become contaminated by floating oil whereas submerged nets, pots, lines and bottom trawls are usually well protected, provided they are not lifted through an oily sea surface.   An oil or chemical spill can also cause loss of market confidence since the public may be unwilling to purchase marine products from the region irrespective of whether the seafood is actually tainted. Bans on the fishing and harvesting of marine products may be imposed following a spill, both to maintain market confidence and to protect fishing gear and catches from contamination.   5.6 Noise Pollution Noise usually means unwanted sound of appreciable intensity which goes on for a length of time (seconds to hours) that irritates people. The noise may emanate from factories, offices and market place, roads (traffic-related), running and shuttling of trains, landing and take-offs of aircrafts at airports, use of loudspeakers in meetings, rallies, celebrations, etc. When the quality and the intensity of the noise is practically constant (varying less than  ±5 dBA) over an appreciable time (seconds or longer), it is often called steady-state noise. The first reaction to any form of unwanted sound is annoyance, followed by irritation, restlessness and extreme reaction. Since noise travels through air, all forms of noise are considered as polluting air and noise is considered as an air pollutant. Sound is defined as a pressure variation that the human ear can detect. Just like dominoes, a wave motion is set off when an element sets the nearest particle of air into motion. This motion gradually spreads to adjacent air particles further away from the source. Depending on the medium, sound propagates at different speeds. In air, sound propagates at a speed of approximately 340 m/s. In liquids and solids, the propagation velocity is greater, 1500 m/s in water and 5000 m/s in steel. Compared to the static air pressure (105 Pa), the audible sound pressure variations are very small ranging from about 20  µPa (20 ÃÆ'- 10-6 Pa) to 100 Pa. The sound pressure level of 20  µPa corresponds to the average persons threshold of hearing. A sound pressure of approximately 100 Pa is so loud that it causes pain and is therefore called the threshold of pain. The ratio between these two extremes is more than a million to one. Sound pressure level alone is not a reliable indicator of loudness. The frequency or pitch of a sound also has a substantial effect on how humans will respond. While the intensity (energy per unit area) of the sound is a purely physical quantity, the loudness or human response depends on the characteristics of the human ear. A direct application of linear scales (in Pa) to the measurement of sound pressure leads to large and unwieldy numbers. Therefore, the acoustic parameters are conveniently expressed as a logarithmic ratio of the measured value to a reference value. This logarithmic ratio is called a decibel or dB. Using dB, the large numbers are converted into a manageable scale from 0 dB at the threshold of hearing (20  µPa) to 130 dB at the threshold of pain (~100 Pa). Some examples of common noise and their decibel levels are given in Table 5.16. The decibel scale is open-ended. 0 dB or dBA should not be construed as the absence of sound. Instead, it is the generally accepted threshold of best human hearing. Sound pressure levels in negative decibel ranges are inaudible to humans. On the other extreme, the decibel scale can go much higher. For example, gun shots, explosions, and rocket engines can reach 140 dBA or higher at close range. Noise levels approaching 140 dBA are nearing the threshold of pain. Higher levels can inflict physical damage on such things as structural members of air and spacecraft and related parts. Table 5.16. Equivalent sound levels in decibels normally occurring inside various places Place Leq (decibels) Small Store (1-5 persons) 60 Large Store (more than 5 persons) 65 Small Office (1-2 desks) 58 Medium Office (3-10 desks) 63 Large Office (more than 10 desks) 67 Miscellaneous Business 63 Residence Typical movement of people no TV or radio Speech at 10 feet, normal voice TV listening at 10 feet, no other activity Stereo music 40-45 55 55-60 50-70 How is noise measured? Basically, there are two different instruments to measure noise exposures: the sound level meter and the dosimeter. A sound level meter is a device that measures the intensity of sound at a given moment. Since sound level meters provide a measure of sound intensity at only one point in time, it is generally necessary to take a number of measurements at different times during the day to estimate noise exposure over a workday. This measurement method is generally referred to as area noise monitoring. A dosimeter is like a sound level meter except that it stores sound level measurements and integrates these measurements over time, providing an average noise exposure reading for a given period of time such as an 8-hour workday. The dosimeter measures noise levels in those locations in which a person works or spends long intervals of time. Such procedures are generally referred to as personal noise monitoring. Human hearing is limited not only to the range of audible frequencies, but also in the way it perceives the sound pressure level in that range. In general, the healthy human ear is most sensitive to sounds between 1,000 Hz 5000 Hz, and perceives both higher and lower frequency sounds of the same magnitude with less intensity. In order to approximate the frequency response of the human ear, a series of sound pressure level adjustments is usually applied to the sound measured by a sound level meter. The adjustments, or weighting network, are frequency dependent. The A-scale approximates the frequency response of the average young ear when listening to most ordinary everyday sounds. When people make relative judgments of the loudness or annoyance of a sound, their judgments correlate well with the A-scale sound levels of those sounds. There are other weighting networks that have been devised to address high noise levels or other special problems (B-scale, C-scale, D-scale etc.) but these scales are rarely, if ever, used in conjunction with highway traffic noise. Noise levels are generated in the A-scale as dBA. In environmental noise studies, A-weighted sound pressure levels are commonly referred to as noise levels. Sources of noise Various sources of noise (Table 5.17) are industry, road traffic, rail traffic, air traffic, construction and public works, indoor sources (air conditioners, air coolers, radio, television and other home appliances), etc. In Indian conditions, indiscriminate use of public address system and diesel generator (DG) sets, has given a new dimension to the noise pollution problem. Noise in Industrial Areas. Mechanized industry creates serious noise problems, su

Friday, October 25, 2019

Imperialists Climate after the Civil War :: essays research papers

At the end of the nineteenth century, the United States emerged as a world power. Although Congress was reluctant to endorse expansionist schemes, during the end of the nineteenth century many others had become convinced that the United States had to adopt a more aggressive and forceful foreign policy. Some believed expansion would be good for American business. Others felt America had a duty to spread its way of life to less fortunate countries. Behind all the arguments, however; the United States was a great and important country, and it should start acting the part.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  With America’s Navy rebuilt there was an emergence of aggression in foreign policy. The two developments originated from the same source: a ready acceptance of force as the final authority of international disputes. That acceptance of force led to the Spanish-American War of 1898. Those same attitudes, during the presidencies of B. Harrison and G. Cleveland between 1885 and 1897, almost caused several other wars. America’s attitudes changed toward foreign policy first with their relationship to Samoa, a group of 14 South Pacific volcanic islands with splendid natural harbors. American negotiated a treaty with a tribal chief to grant the United States rights to a naval station. Unfortunately, Germany had also decided that Samoa should belong to them. Through some conferences and a natural typhoon that wiped both Germany and United States out of the Pacific they finally came to an agreement without going to war. American troubles were a little different with Chile. Trade and strategic policy were not the reasons for interfering with Chile, but more of touchy pride and patriotism. A revolutionary faction had taken control of the Chilean government. During that time some US sailors were docked in their country. A riot had broken out and some sailors got hurt and a couple even got killed. What made matters worse was that the Chilean police, who were there, did not intervene. However, they took the sailors away to jail. The Americans sought for reparations for the insult and Chile refused to apologize. After threatening them to go to war, they finally decided to back down, by apologizing for the attack on the sailors and paying $75,000 compensation.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Hawaii figured prominently in American foreign policy planning by its location. Not only were they ideally situated along the trade routes to Asia, but they offered a perfect site for protecting the Pacific sea lanes to the American west coast and to the potential locations of a cape canal.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Public life Essay

Early Years When Brown and his family moved to New York, he learned that the pro-slavery forces in Kansas were confrontational. Brown left for Kansas after learning that the families of his adult sons were completely unprotected from any possible attack. He collected funds and weapons along the way and even held an anti-slavery convention in Albany. Despite the stir because of his support for unrest to liberate, Brown still managed to get financial support. He gathered more anti-slavery forces in Ohio. Brown and his forces were going to stop at nothing to stop the pro-slavery actions in Kansas. He believed that the pro-slavery forces, or the Border Ruffians, will eventually become violent themselves. He used this as justification for his disregard for the law. Brown was angered by the violence displayed by the Border Ruffians, and also the political manipulations happening to quell the northern abolitionist movement. Brown learned that his family was to be attacked next by the Border Ruffians and the pro-slavery neighbours squealed about the support that his family was giving him. In May 1856, five pro-slavery settlers were killed by Brown’s men. They were taken from their homes and slashed to death by swords. According to Brown, he did approve of the murder, but he never participated in it. Two of Brown’s sons were captured by Henry Pate, a pro-slavery captain. But Pate was soon captured with twenty-two men. Pate was forced to sign a treaty that exchanges their freedom with the freedom of his two sons. Pate was released, but his sons’ release was to be postponed till September. Pro-slavery forces from Missouri came to Kansas under the command of Major General John Reid. They headed towards Osawatomie, Kansas, determined to crush the abolitionist forces there. Some of Reid’s men killed one of Brown’s sons in the morning of August 30, 1956. Brown was clearly outnumbered by Reid’s pro-slavery forces, but they still defended their posts. They managed to wound 40 and kill 20 of the Reid’s men. Reid ordered his men to retreat into the forest, and Brown’s men managed to capture four of Reid’s men. This display of bravery in that situation that clearly went against him was viewed as an act of heroism by Northern abolitionist forces. Brown was then known by the nickname, Osawatomie Brown. A month later, Brown met Free State leaders in Lawrence to help plan for a possible assault by the pro-slavery forces. Pro-slavery forces from Missouri were engaging attacks in Kansas. Battles ensued, though large damages were nipped in the bud when Kansas governor John Geary called for disarmament and offered clemency to soldiers of both sides. Brown fled from Kansas with his sons to gather more funds and support from the north. Brown travelled eastward to collect more funds. In his travels, he met with many prominent abolitionists like William Lloyd Garrison and Gerrit Smith. Some of the wealthy abolitionists he met agreed to provide Brown with funds. This group of financers become known as the â€Å"Secret Six†. How much of Brown’s plans the Secret Six knew still remains a mystery until today as these men were just there to fund Brown with â€Å"no questions asked. † On January of the following year, Brown received pledges of weapons from different abolitionist organizations and individuals. He travelled more and continued to look for funding. He received help in forms of numerous pledges but little of these pledges were translated to cash. Brown met with Hugh Forbes in New York in March. He hired Forbes to be the tactician and drillmaster of his army. Both met in Tabor and formulated a plan for their anti-slavery crusade in the south with them disagreeing with some of the details of the plan. They left for Kansas six months later without Forbes receiving his salary. He decided to leave for the east instead of going with Brown to Kansas. Brown travelled to Ontario to attend a Constitutional Convention. Chatham, Ontario’s population were mostly dominated by slave fugitives. It was here that Brown’s provisional constitution was adopted. Brown was elected as the commander-in-chief and Elder Monroe, an African man was elected as minister, and shall act as president until a new one was elected. Many of the delegates signed the Constitution, but only a few joined Brown’s forces. Many intended to join but Forbes attempted to reveal the plans to Henry Wilson, a Massachusetts senator. Many of the members of Brown’s inner circle felt fear that their names will go revealed to the public. The members of the Secret Six were divided. Some of them wanted Brown to execute his plans rapidly, while some insisted for postponement. To derail Forbes’ knowledge of his plan, Brown returned to Kansas and remained there for 6 months. He joined forces with James Montogomery, the leader of the raids in Missouri. Brown led his own attacks, managing to set 11 slaves free. He took the liberated man with him to Detroit and to Canada. He went from city to city to collect more support. He reconnected with the Secret Six, visited his family and departed for Harpers Ferry. Upon arrival in Harpers Ferry, he rented a farmhouse nearby for his new recruits. He never received the number of recruits he expected to come to support him. He revealed the plan to some of his supporters and some of them expressed their worry and qualms about the plan. One of them, Douglass, already knew of Brown’s plan since 1859 and has tried numerous attempts to avert the enlistment of blacks in Brown’s army. Some of the weapons fit for a thousand men arrived late September, but Brown only had 21 men. A month later, Brown led 19 of his men to attack the armory of Harpers Ferry. He planned to distribute the weapons here to arm the slaves in the locality. He would then lead these men to the south to liberate more slaves. His plan was to free the slaves of Virginia to maim the institution and kill off the life-line that kept the economy alive in the south. They easily entered the town and they captured the armory with no resistance. They also spread the news to the local slaves they were going to be freed soon. Things went awry when a passenger train arrived in town. One of the train staff warned the passengers about Brown’s men. Brown ordered him to halt then, but seeing that his warning was not heeded, shot him openly. News of the raid reached Washington by late morning. Brown’s men were held inside the armory by the angry residents of the town. Military men sealed off the bridge, the only escape route available. Brown moved inside the armory and had the doors and windows blocked. The soldiers and townspeople outside prevented the exit of anyone inside the armory, and sometimes, Brown’s men would shoot at the people outside. Brown sent out his son, Watson, and one of his men under the bearing of a white flag and yet the men outside shot them. Exchanges of shots were fired, and Oliver, another of Brown’s sons were wounded and killed. On October 18, John Brown’s fort was surrounded by the military. They were encouraged to surrender, but Brown refused, saying that he would rather die there. The military men then broke the doors and walls of the armory down and captured the men inside. Brown was charged with murder of 5 men, instigation of a rebellion among the slaves and treason against the state of Virginia. The court found him to be guilty on all three counts on November 2. He was sentenced to be publicly hanged a month later. On November 2, after a week-long trial and 45 minutes of deliberation, the Charles town jury found Brown guilty on all three counts. Brown was sentenced to be hanged in public on December 2. Before he died, he wrote, â€Å"I, John Brown, am now quite certain that the crimes of this guilty land will never be purged away but with blood. I had, as I now think, vainly flattered myself that without very much bloodshed it might be done. † METHODOLOGY The results of this study were obtained via data collection from documents from the internet, several books and journals. Data analysis of the information was performed and some personal opinions of the author were also injected into the analysis of the data gathered.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Studying Abroad Helps Improve Language Skills

Studying abroad is always a memorable experience, especially if you choose to live in a country where you don’t speak the language. It will be the best way to learn foreign language. In fact, most students choose to study abroad in the first place for the opportunity to gain proficiency in a foreign language. Despite the difficulties, it’s important to really focus on improving your language skills while you have the chance to live in a country with native speakers. If you want to get the hang of a foreign language while studying abroad, don’t hesitate to make local friends.Your language skills may not be good enough to speak with them comfortably in the native language, but you will still pick up quite a bit of phrases and vocabulary words from being around young locals that you would not have access to otherwise. And I think wandering around alone will also help you improve your language skills. You will have chance to make friends with strangers, speak to the grocer or waiter, eavesdrop on the bus, and do all the other things that help you improve your basic communication skills. So go out alone, do your own communicating and listening.And don’t forget reading magazines interview. The local papers and magazines sold on every corner will offer a wide array of inexpensive reading material in the language you’re learning. Also, reading interviews, specifically, helps improve communication skills. When studying a language, students are not always given examples of real conversations that involve unique questions and answers. Magazine and newspaper interviews capture nuanced words and phrases that aren’t in the typical textbook. In short, studying abroad is the best way to improve your language skills.